Two Continents - Attractions Travel in Dubai




We know the opening date of the Dubai Shopping Festival in 2024/25!

The 30th edition of the Dubai Shopping Festival is coming soon!

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The countdown to one of the most anticipated events in the United Arab Emirates has begun. It is the month-long Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF). This annual event attracts millions of tourists who want to take part in the unique selling season and unique attractions that the festival offers.

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Foto: mostafa meraji/ Unsplash

The dates for the 30th edition of this popular event have just been announced. The festival will take place from 6 December 2024 to 12 January 2025. However, DSF is not just about shopping - the festival has evolved to now offer world-class live entertainment, access to Dubai's iconic attractions, fine dining and cultural events.

During the festival, visitors can expect to see spectacular drone displays, fireworks and lights that will light up the Dubai sky to create unforgettable spectacles. This is a great opportunity to experience the true hospitality of this extraordinary city.
