PKP Intercity changes the rules of the offer “Cheaper with relatives”
PKP Intercity is reducing the time for booking train tickets under the “Cheaper with Relatives” offer from three to seven days before train departure.
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As we can read on the pages of the portal Rynek, PKP Intercity has again decided to change the rules of the popular “Taniej z Bliskimi” offer.
As we can read on the pages of the portal Rynek, PKP Intercity has again decided to change the rules of the popular “Taniej z Bliskimi” offer. Now, instead of three days, you will have to book a cheaper trip as much as seven days before the planned departure.
PKP Intercity has decided to change the rules and regulations of its “Cheaper with Relatives” offer, which is popular among passengers. This is a promotion for train tickets for groups of 2 to 6 people, going from the same to the same station, side by side and in the same class of train. This option gave buyers a 30% discount on the ticket per person. Previously, tickets from the “Cheaper with Relatives” offer could be purchased up to 72 hours before the train's departure. Now PKP Intercity has reduced this time to a maximum of 7 days before the planned departure.
The terms and conditions of the “Cheaper with Relatives” offer were not changed for the first time. Previously, PKP Intercity shortened the offer from one to three days in December 2023. How does the carrier now explain the shortened time to take advantage of the offer?
PKP Intercity explains it by encouraging passengers to book their trips earlier. Another possible reason is the carrier's desire to plan the use of rolling stock in the field in advance. Whatever the reason for such a change, Internet users have decried the move as “eminently anti-passenger. Shortening the duration of such a popular promotion will certainly not improve the image of Polish railroads among passengers and will cause fewer people to choose trains as a means of transportation.
Background: Kamil 203 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0