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UAE nationals can apply for an Emirates ID through the Tamm platform

UAE citizens can now issue and renew an Emirates ID through the Tamm platform, Abu Dhabi's comprehensive government services system. The new option is expected to make the process of obtaining an ID easier and faster, eliminating the need to visit an office.

UAE nationals can apply for an Emirates ID through the Tamm platform

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Costs of issuing an Emirates ID

To obtain or renew an Emirates ID through the Tamm platform, applicants must upload a clear and recent photograph that complies with official requirements. The application can be submitted fully online, greatly streamlining the procedure.

Costs of issuing an Emirates ID

The application process involves certain fees, which are as follows:

  • Issuing a card for 5 years - AED 100
  • Card issuance for 10 years - AED 200
  • Digital service fee - AED 50
  • Delivery fee - AED 15
  • Issuance fee - AED 40
  • Application fee - 10 AED

The new option to apply online through Tamm is another step towards the digitisation of public services in Abu Dhabi, making life significantly easier and time-saving for citizens.