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Catalonia increases tourist tax

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Tourist tax in Catalonia

The Catalan government has decided to increase the tourist tax. The exact date of the increase has not been announced, but it is expected to happen soon.

Catalannews.com reported that Catalonia has decided to increase the tourist tax across the autonomous community. An official agreement was signed for this purpose by the Catalan government and the left-wing party Comuns. The tax rate will rise sharply from €3.50 to €7.00 per person for the basic rate, from €6.00 to a maximum of €12.50 for private flats, and from €7.50 to €15.00 for luxury hotels.

The mayor of Barcelona, Jaume Collboni, has announced that the tax will be introduced, but there is no definitive date for when the decision will come into effect, and this issue must be discussed with other political options when planning budget expenditure for next year. Additional funds from the above-mentioned tourist tax are to be allocated to support housing policy.

Source: turystyka.rp.pl