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New entry fee in the UK

From now on, any tourist coming to the UK will have to apply for an electronic travel authorization in advance.

£10 once every two years or until the end of the passport's validity - that's how much Poles and non-Polish citizens will have to pay to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) to the UK. What does the new system consist of?

The UK is introducing a not inconsiderable revolution for almost everyone traveling to the country. As of April 2, 2025, the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system will be in effect there. It will cover everyone outside the UK and Ireland. The system will not be free, and it will cost £10 (about £5.09) to fill out a short declaration. The fee covers all travelers, even children and infants, and is valid for 2 years (or until the expiration date of the passport).

nowa opłata wjazdowa w wielkiej brytanii.jpg

Downtown London/ Photo: unsplash, @robertbye

New fee on entry to the UK

The Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system is the result of new regulations introduced by the British government. They are intended to improve border security and increase control over who enters the UK. The fee is non-refundable and does not apply to those living in the UK or with a visa, right to work or study in the country.

The ETA application will be able to be filled out through the British government website or a special mobile app. The decision to grant entry to the UK is expected to take up to three days. One stay (without leaving the UK) can last a maximum of 6 months. The rules will be in effect from April for citizens of European Union countries, and from January for citizens of other countries.
